Posted on 13th Apr 2019 @ 10:28 AM
Tommy Smith sadly died 13/4/19 although he only did a few jobs for our agency when we asked our boss Dave Davies what memories he had of Tommy he said “When I first met Tommy I was a bit scared of the man I had only seen him on the pitch and I imagined he was going to be a bit of a handful but nothing was further from the truth he was good fun to be with” “I remember I was comparing a Hardmen of Football show with Tommy and Norman Hunter, at the time the then manager of Liverpool was using a rotational system on the pitch and a number of the Liverpool footballers houses had been broken into. So I did the gag “Of course Liverpool are currently using the rotational system at the moment its nothing to do with the football its just to confuse the Burglars” well Tommy put his head round the curtain of the stage and chased me round the stage much to the amusement of the audience”. Type the details of your news item here...